Pattern compile做的动作
Matcher对象需要Pattern,Pattern对象是由Pattern.compile创建出来。先看Pattern.compile。Pattern.compile(String regex)-> new Pattern(String regex) -> Pattern.compile(),核心代码在compile里,代码较多,上注释。
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| /** * Copies regular expression to an int array and invokes the parsing * of the expression which will create the object tree. */ private void compile()
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| String regexStr = "((\\d|\\w|_)*wht_pboc\\.\\w+(_\\w+)*)"; //(?:\\d|\\w|_)(funcCode\\.\w+(_\w+)*) Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content);
以上面这段代码为例,生成出来的树就可能是GroupHead Node->Loop Node->MatchLast Node。
事实上生出出来的树要比这个复杂的多,大概是Start Node->GroupHead Node->ProLog Node->Loop Node->Group Head Node->Branch 巴拉巴拉……。
此时atom的数组长度就为2.事实上在第一个GroupHead Node里,因为有\d,\w,_这三种情况,GroupHead Node的atom长度就为3了。字符串match失败要所有的atom都不匹配才能满足。而当前节点match成功,则会调用继续匹配,直到树走到尽头为止。
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| //demo代码 String regexStr = "((\\d|\\w|_)*wht_pboc\\.\\w+(_\\w+)*)|((\\d|\\w|_)*jiayu\\.\\w+(_\\w+)*)"; String context = "import java.lang.*;\n" + "\n" + "pboc_crdt_otln_dlq_cnt\n" + "def xbeta = (-1.90408137652954)+wht_pboc.cc_y5dlq_mon12_pct*(0.73909217042419)+wht_pboc" + "+aaaa.jiayu*(0.10435815782414)+jiayu.cc_amt_use_pct*(0.92517485373273)+aaa" + ".aaa*(-0.0313185144899745)+wht_pssssboc.dddd*(-0.00111017949189794);\n" + "\n" + "def tgtscr=Math.exp(xbeta)/(1+Math.exp(xbeta))" Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); while(matcher.find()) { System.out.println( } }
matcher.find()方法会调用 from)方法.from的值是matcher的全局变量nextSearchIndex,该值默认为0,find到之后会把值改变为find成功后的位置。
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| boolean search(int from) { this.hitEnd = false; this.requireEnd = false; from = from < 0 ? 0 : from; this.first = from; this.oldLast = oldLast < 0 ? from : oldLast; for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) groups[i] = -1; acceptMode = NOANCHOR; boolean result = parentPattern.root.match(this, from, text); if (!result) this.first = -1; this.oldLast = this.last; return result; }
可以看到,处理逻辑的方法是parentPattern.root.match(this, from, text);
是Pattern的初始节点。刚才Pattern.compile生出出来的树,是有两个分支,两个分支的树基本一样,都是Start -> GroupHead ->Loop ……。
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| boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) { if (i > - minLength) { matcher.hitEnd = true; return false; } int guard = - minLength; for (; i <= guard; i++) { if (next.match(matcher, i, seq)) { matcher.first = i; matcher.groups[0] = matcher.first; matcher.groups[1] = matcher.last; return true; } } matcher.hitEnd = true; return false; }
matcher 里的i就是 from)里的值,matcher.to是整个匹配的字符串长度,minLength是该node可能的最小长度,像刚刚的GroupHead的最小长度为1.因此该段代码就是相当于从from开始循环到结尾尝试找到匹配字符串,找到了就立即返回。
这里的next是一个Group Head。我们再去看GroupHead的代码。
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| /** * The GroupHead saves the location where the group begins in the locals * and restores them when the match is done. * * The matchRef is used when a reference to this group is accessed later * in the expression. The locals will have a negative value in them to * indicate that we do not want to unset the group if the reference * doesn't match. */ static final class GroupHead extends Node
Group Head的matcher方法,直接就调用了next.match
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| boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) { int save = matcher.locals[localIndex]; matcher.locals[localIndex] = i; boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i, seq); matcher.locals[localIndex] = save; return ret; }
在当前这个demo里,此时的next是一个Loop Node,再去看Loop Node的match.
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| boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) { // Avoid infinite loop in zero-length case. if (i > matcher.locals[beginIndex]) { int count = matcher.locals[countIndex]; // This block is for before we reach the minimum // iterations required for the loop to match if (count < cmin) { matcher.locals[countIndex] = count + 1; boolean b = body.match(matcher, i, seq); // If match failed we must backtrack, so // the loop count should NOT be incremented if (!b) matcher.locals[countIndex] = count; // Return success or failure since we are under // minimum return b; } // This block is for after we have the minimum // iterations required for the loop to match if (count < cmax) { matcher.locals[countIndex] = count + 1; boolean b = body.match(matcher, i, seq); // If match failed we must backtrack, so // the loop count should NOT be incremented if (!b) matcher.locals[countIndex] = count; else return true; } } return next.match(matcher, i, seq); }
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| boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) { int[] buf = buffer; int len = buf.length; for (int j=0; j<len; j++) { if ((i+j) >= { matcher.hitEnd = true; return false; } if (buf[j] != seq.charAt(i+j)) return false; } return next.match(matcher, i+len, seq); }
Slice类的matcher中有个buffer,这个buffer是根据正则表达式生成的,假设我们的正则表达式是String regexStr = "((\\d|\\w|_)*wht_pboc\\.\\w+(_\\w+)*)
假设文本是 0123456789wht_pboc.这样,那需要循环的次数就是 分支数103*n,(3是因为当前正则里,GroupHead自己有3个分支,ßßn为后面字符串和wht_pboc.前面相同的长度).如此多的循环完成之后才能确定GroupHead的match是否为true.